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export Command

nbautoexport export --help
 Usage: nbautoexport export [OPTIONS] INPUT                                     
 Manually export notebook or directory of notebooks.                            
 An .nbautoexport configuration file in same directory as notebook(s) will be   
 used if it exists. Configuration options specified by command-line options     
 will override configuration file. If no existing configuration option exists   
 and no values are provided, default values will be used.                       
 The export command will not do cleaning, regardless of the 'clean' setting in  
 an .nbautoexport configuration file.                                           

╭─ Arguments ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    input      PATH  Path to notebook file or directory of notebook files   │
│                       to export.                                             │
│                       [default: None]                                        │
│                       [required]                                             │
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --export-format  -f      [asciidoc|html|latex|mar  File format(s) to save    │
│                          kdown|notebook|pdf|rst|s  for each notebook.        │
│                          cript|slides]             Multiple formats should   │
│                                                    be provided using         │
│                                                    multiple flags, e.g., '-f │
│                                                    script -f html -f         │
│                                                    markdown'. Provided       │
│                                                    values will override      │
│                                                    existing .nbautoexport    │
│                                                    config files. If neither  │
│                                                    provided, defaults to     │
│                                                    [<ExportFormat.script:    │
│                                                    'script'>].               │
│ --organize-by    -b      [notebook|extension]      Whether to save exported  │
│                                                    file(s) in a subfolder    │
│                                                    per notebook or per       │
│                                                    export format. Provided   │
│                                                    values will override      │
│                                                    existing .nbautoexport    │
│                                                    config files. If neither  │
│                                                    provided, defaults to     │
│                                                    'extension'.              │
│                                                    [default: None]           │
│ --verbose        -v      INTEGER                   Use multiple times to set │
│                                                    verbosity/log level. [-v  │
│                                                    = INFO, -vv = DEBUG]      │
│ --help                                             Show this message and     │
│                                                    exit.                     │