export Command
nbautoexport export --help
[1m [0m
[1m [0m[1;33mUsage: [0m[1mnbautoexport export [OPTIONS] INPUT[0m[1m [0m[1m [0m
[1m [0m
Manually export notebook or directory of notebooks.
[2mAn .nbautoexport configuration file in same directory as notebook(s) will be [0m
[2mused if it exists. Configuration options specified by command-line options [0m
[2mwill override configuration file. If no existing configuration option exists [0m
[2mand no values are provided, default values will be used.[0m
[2mThe export command will not do cleaning, regardless of the 'clean' setting in [0m
[2man .nbautoexport configuration file.[0m
[2mâ•â”€[0m[2m Arguments [0m[2m─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[0m[2m─╮[0m
[2m│[0m [31m*[0m input [1;33mPATH[0m Path to notebook file or directory of notebook files [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m to export. [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m [2m[default: None] [0m [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m [2;31m[required] [0m [2m│[0m
[2mâ•â”€[0m[2m Options [0m[2m───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[0m[2m─╮[0m
[2m│[0m [1;36m-[0m[1;36m-export[0m[1;36m-format[0m [1;32m-f[0m [1;2;33m[[0m[1;33masciidoc[0m[1;2;33m|[0m[1;33mhtml[0m[1;2;33m|[0m[1;33mlatex[0m[1;2;33m|[0m[1;33mmar[0m File format(s) to save [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m [1;33mkdown[0m[1;2;33m|[0m[1;33mnotebook[0m[1;2;33m|[0m[1;33mpdf[0m[1;2;33m|[0m[1;33mrst[0m[1;2;33m|[0m[1;33ms[0m for each notebook. [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m [1;33mcript[0m[1;2;33m|[0m[1;33mslides[0m[1;2;33m][0m[1;33m [0m Multiple formats should [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m be provided using [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m multiple flags, e.g., '[1;32m-f[0m [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m script [1;32m-f[0m html [1;32m-f[0m [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m markdown'. Provided [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m values will override [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m existing .nbautoexport [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m config files. If neither [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m provided, defaults to [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m [[1;33m<ExportFormat.script: [0m [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m [1;33m'script'>[0m]. [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m [1;36m-[0m[1;36m-organize[0m[1;36m-by[0m [1;32m-b[0m [1;2;33m[[0m[1;33mnotebook[0m[1;2;33m|[0m[1;33mextension[0m[1;2;33m][0m[1;33m [0m Whether to save exported [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m file(s) in a subfolder [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m per notebook or per [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m export format. Provided [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m values will override [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m existing .nbautoexport [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m config files. If neither [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m provided, defaults to [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m 'extension'. [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m [2m[default: None] [0m [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m [1;36m-[0m[1;36m-verbose[0m [1;32m-v[0m [1;33mINTEGER [0m Use multiple times to set [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m verbosity/log level. [[1;32m-v[0m [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m = INFO, [1;32m-vv[0m = DEBUG] [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m [1;36m-[0m[1;36m-help[0m [1;33m [0m Show this message and [2m│[0m
[2m│[0m exit. [2m│[0m