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configure Command

nbautoexport configure --help
 Usage: nbautoexport configure [OPTIONS] DIRECTORY                              
 Create a .nbautoexport configuration file in a directory. If nbautoexport has  
 been installed with the 'install' command, then Jupyter will automatically     
 export any notebooks on save that are in the same directory as the             
 .nbautoexport file.                                                            
 An .nbautoexport configuration file only applies to that directory,            
 nonrecursively. You must independently configure other directories containing  

╭─ Arguments ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    directory      DIRECTORY  Path to directory of notebook files to        │
│                                configure with nbautoexport.                  │
│                                [default: None]                               │
│                                [required]                                    │
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --export-format  -f      [asciidoc|html|latex|mar  File format(s) to save    │
│                          kdown|notebook|pdf|rst|s  for each notebook.        │
│                          cript|slides]             Multiple formats should   │
│                                                    be provided using         │
│                                                    multiple flags, e.g., '-f │
│                                                    script -f html -f         │
│                                                    markdown'.                │
│                                                    [default:                 │
│                                                    ExportFormat.script]      │
│ --organize-by    -b      [notebook|extension]      Whether to save exported  │
│                                                    file(s) in a subfolder    │
│                                                    per notebook or per       │
│                                                    export format.            │
│                                                    [default:                 │
│                                                    OrganizeBy.extension]     │
│ --clean-exclude  -e      TEXT                      Glob-style patterns that  │
│                                                    designate files to        │
│                                                    exclude from deletion     │
│                                                    when running clean        │
│                                                    command.                  │
│ --overwrite      -o                                Overwrite existing        │
│                                                    configuration, if one is  │
│                                                    detected.                 │
│ --verbose        -v      INTEGER                   Use multiple times to set │
│                                                    verbosity/log level. [-v  │
│                                                    = INFO, -vv = DEBUG]      │
│ --help                                             Show this message and     │
│                                                    exit.                     │